
The building righted and volunteer work commending, May 2012

FEBT is an all-volunteer organization. We depend on our volunteers for most activities of the organization, including restoration, events, governance, and outreach.

While volunteering means many different things to our members, this is what we hear most:

1. We are a welcoming organization that serves as a great starting point for anyone looking to get started in rail preservation or be connected to industrial history.

2. We provide hands-on experience with tools for learning invaluable construction and DIY techniques.

3. We provide the feeling of satisfaction knowing that you are helping to preserve a beloved piece of American history.

How to Start Volunteering

New to volunteering with us? Help us get acquainted with you by completing the FEBT Volunteer Information Questionnaire.  Once you submit your questionnaire you will be connected to the appropriate volunteer coordinator based on your areas of interest and experience.   You can submit your information on-line by clicking on the link below:

Volunteer Information Questionnaire

If you prefer to submit your information by email or mail you can download a PDF version of the questionnaire here. You can fill out the questionnaire electronically and email the file to volunteer@febt.org .

You can also print out the questionnaire and physically mail the completed form to: FEBT Volunteering, P.O. Box 43063, Cincinnati, OH 45243

If you have questions about FEBT volunteering, please email us at volunteer@febt.org.  If you would like to speak with us directly about volunteering, please email volunteer@febt.org with your phone number and the best time to call.


FEBT restoration volunteers provide hands-on work to preserve and restore the historic assets of the East Broad Top. This includes structures, equipment, track, and site maintenance. Great strides have been made in the condition of the railroad’s physical plant due to the efforts of our restoration crews. Crews work primarily out of Rockhill Furnace and Robertsdale.

Rockhill Furnace

Rockhill Furnace is the heart of the railroad, containing its headquarters, second largest yard, roundhouse and maintenance shops complex. It is where the tourist trains have originated since 1960.

The volunteer crews in Rockhill Furnace work to restore various facets of the railroad located there and along the line, including buildings, track, rolling stock, and grounds. Tasks include woodworking, sanding, grinding, metalworking, welding, demolition, construction, glazing, roof work, window work, cleaning, brush cutting, masonry, painting, cleaning, structural repairs, cosmetic carpentry and jacking. Specific tasks vary from session to session depending on need, with details on each session’s announcement.

You need not bring tools, but you may if you wish. Dress for work and be prepared to get dirty, this is a real railroad. Durable shoes and long pants are recommended. The weather can change quickly in the mountains, so be ready for anything, especially wide swings in temperature.

Restoration sessions at Rockhill Furnace meet about one weekend each month, Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 9-4. Occasionally there is work on Friday and we hold two full work weeks per year. Special sessions are also sometimes announced on short notice.

You must be 18 and a member of FEBT (or join FEBT at the work site.)  These are insurance requirements.  We are guests of the railroad and need to behave accordingly.

Watch our News page for announcements and signups for each session which are sent out about one week prior. We request attendees sign up so that there is the appropriate number of volunteers for each task.

When arriving, Rockhill Restoration volunteers should check in at the EBT Paint Shop, the long brick building southwest of the roundhouse. Orientation takes place at the beginning of each work day. All volunteers must sign in at the Paint Shop before starting work, and sign out before departing for the day.

2024 Rockhill Furnace Restoration Sessions

  • January 6-7
  • February 3-4
  • March 2-3
  • April 6-7
  • April 27-28 – NOTE ADDED DATE
  • May 18-19
  • May work week 20-24
  • June 15-16
  • July 6-7
  • July 27-28
  • August 17-18
  • September 14-15
  • September work week 16-20
  • October 26-27

Contact the Rockhill Restoration Coordinator


Robertsdale was the heart of the coal mining operations that supported the railroad. At least 10 mines operated in the area and all coal was shipped out on the EBT. Volunteerism at Robertsdale is centered around preserving, restoring and providing interpretation of this coal mining heritage, based upon the extensive surviving infrastructure. This includes restoration projects, operating the FEBT Museum, and making continued improvements to the interpretation experience.

We have project managers in place for the following projects: Station roof soffit, mine tour walking path design and construction, and hopper car cosmetic restoration. Crew calls for these projects will go through SignUpGenius, same as for Rockhill restoration projects.

What we need most of all in Robertsdale are FEBT members to volunteer to be hosts at the museum. In 2022 we had 16 volunteers who managed to have the museum open every Saturday that the railroad ran trains. See the February 2023 issue of the newsletter for a detailed description of the host jobs. Here, we’ll just remind you that we train you; you do not have to be an expert on all things EBT. The museum is in Robertsdale PA and it’s open every Saturday, May through October, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Contact the Robertsdale Restoration Coordinator

Young Easties Volunteer Program

The FEBT Young Easties is FEBT’s youth volunteer program. For more information please visit the Young Easties Youth Program page.


FEBT Fall Reunion

The FEBT is looking for an individual to help with planning our yearly Fall Reunion. This typically takes place on
Columbus Day weekend at the railroad. It is hoped that this will be a shared duty with the volunteer to be responsible to plan the event only every other year. If you are organized, like planning, scheduling, and coordinating with vendors,
please reach out to us at this email address: febtreunion@gmail.com. – Randy Lehrian

Other FEBT Events

All FEBT events are coordinated and run by volunteers. A variety of roles are needed for each event, many of which only require a willingness to volunteer.

For any questions, feel free to contact us.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

To remain successful and grow, FEBT has many other facets that require volunteers.  At any given moment, opportunities for interested and skilled volunteers are available in one of the following areas;

  • FEBT Events – Coordinating and assisting with FEBT events, including the annual Fall Reunion. Contact Lawrence Biemiller to volunteer
  • Company Store Operations – new product development, and website maintenance may be needed. Contact the Company Store manager for further information.
  • Robertsdale Museum – Staffing the Robertsdale museum when work sessions are not scheduled is needed. Contact the Robertsdale Museum and Restoration coordinator to volunteer.
  • Web and Social Media – Developing communications and gathering relevant news, compiling it and coordinating with the leadership for review and distribution via our website, Facebook and Twitter presence. Contact our Webmaster for more info.
  • Awareness – You can also volunteer to represent the FEBT at train shows and other community events to raise awareness and spread news about us. Contact Lawrence Biemiller to volunteer
  • Operations – If you have special skills that support FEBT operations, including legal, financial, investment, tax and grant writing skills, please contact Lawrence Biemiller to volunteer your services.