
The following memberships are available to those individuals who wish to join the FEBT. (All dues are in US Dollars.)

  • Individual Membership – Annual Dues: $35.00 ($45.00 for non-US residents.) Individual
    members receive all of the benefits described above.
  • Family Membership – Annual Dues: $45.00 ($55.00 for non-US residents.)
    A Family Membership includes one Individual Membership plus additional benefits for family members. With a Family Membership, another adult, and children under the age of 18, all residing at the same address as the Individual Member, may participate in FEBT-sponsored events and work sessions and receive member discounts. Family memberships receive one copy of FEBT print publications, and only the Individual Member is eligible to vote and hold office.
  • Sustaining Family Membership – Annual Dues: $100.00 (Of this amount $55.00 represents a tax-deductible donation to the FEBT.)
    Sustaining Family Members provide additional financial support for the operations of
    the FEBT.
  • Associate Family Membership – Annual Dues: $150.00 (Of this amount $105.00 represents a tax-deductible donation to the FEBT.)
    Associate members provide significant additional financial support for the operations of the FEBT. An Associate Membership also includes annual recognition in Timber Transfer magazine and/or the FEBT annual report.
  • Life Membership – One-Time Payment: $1000.00 (Note that no part of this payment qualifies as a tax-deductible donation to the FEBT.) Life members receive a Family Membership during the Individual Member’s lifetime.
  • Student/Senior Individual Membership – Annual dues: $30.00 ($40.00 for non-US residents.) This is a reduced rate for full-time students age 21 or younger and persons 65 years of age or older. Some age requirements may apply to join a restoration crew.
  • All membership dues are in U.S. dollars.

Other Memberships

The following memberships are available to corporate, government, institutional, non-profit and other non-individual entities. The corporate bylaws of the Friends of the East Broad Top, Inc. specify that these members are not eligible to vote in elections of directors.

  • Commercial/Institutional Memberships – Annual dues: $100.00
    Businesses and other organizations who share our goals and interests provide significant additional financial support for the operations of the FEBT as commercial/institutional members; they receive all issues of Timber Transfer and FEBT newsletters published during the twelve-month membership period PLUS annual recognition in Timber Transfer and/or FEBT annual report.
  • Reciprocal Membership
    Historical organizations, museums, and other organizations who share our goals and interests may receive the benefits of Commercial/Institutional Membership on an exchange basis as reciprocal members. No payment is required but applications for reciprocal membership must be formally approved by the board of directors of the FEBT.

Membership Year

The membership year for all members is determined by the calendar quarter in which initial dues payments were received. These memberships extend through the end of the same calendar quarter of the following year as the quarter in which the initial dues were paid. That is, the membership year of a member who joins the FEBT in January, February, or March will end on March 31 of the following year; the membership year of a member who joins in April, May, or June will end on June 30 of the following year; the membership year of a member who joins in July, August, or September will end on September 30 of the following year; and the membership year of a member who joins in October, November, or December will end on December 31 of the following year. Continuously renewed memberships will maintain this pattern.

Membership Year and FEBT Publications

Regardless of when a FEBT member’s membership year starts and ends, he or she will receive all issues of Timber Transfer and all FEBT print periodicals issued during the twelve-month period of membership.

Complimentary Mailings

Individuals and organizations who receive FEBT publications and other mailings on a complimentary basis are not members of the FEBT, and do not qualify for any membership-based privileges. Organizations with whom cooperative promotion agreements are in effect receive FEBT publications and other mailings on a complimentary basis but do not qualify for any membership-based privileges.


Your privacy is very important to the FEBT Membership Office. We have described the information we collect, what we do with that information, and the choices you have to access, control and correct your information in our Privacy Notice, effective May 25, 2018.

Surcharge for Foreign Members

To help defray costs of postage, members with mailing addresses outside the United States holding Regular, Family, or Student/Senior pay an addition $10.00 over the regular domestic annual membership rates. Thus for these members, the effective annual dues for Regular, Family, and Student/Senior Membership are respectively $45.00, $55.00, and $40.00.

More Information

To Join FEBT, visit our Join page.

For more information on FEBT membership please Contact Us.