Membership Privacy Notice

Our Commitment To Privacy

Your privacy is very important to us. To better protect your privacy, the FEBT Membership Office provides this notice explaining our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is used. We have placed a link to this notice in the membership section of our website at to make it easy to find.
The Information the Membership Office Collects

This notice applies to all information collected or submitted to the FEBT Membership Office.
Where Does the Information Come From

This information was supplied by you when you joined either on the paper membership form or on-line if you signed up using the FEBT company store web site. For a very few, your membership was a gift from someone. In that case the gift giver supplied us with this data.

In the US, FEBT is required to have your full 5 + 4 zip code. Few supply that, so we go to the USPS web site, enter your address and get the full zip from there. Rarely that system will tell us to use a different city name than what you supplied. If so we use that name, but if you have given an email address we confirm that with you.

With each mailing of the Timber Transfer magazine our mailing company runs the mailing list we supply through the NCOA (National Change of Address) software. If you fail to inform us of a change in address but have notified your local post office, the mailing company will supply us with your new address. Here again, if you have given an email address we confirm that change with you.

Information marked with an asterisk (*) is required by us to maintain your membership. The information collected for membership is:

  • Your Name*
  • Address*
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Membership class (regular, student/senior, family, sustaining, associate, life)
  • Date you joined
  • Status (active, inactive)
    • If inactive, when was status changed to inactive
    • If inactive, what, if any, reason was given
  • Generalized notes are kept – example, to keep track of history of address changes (some members are “snow birds” who have two addresses), also used to keep track of dates for those who had allowed their membership to terminate but then renewed (so that the Membership Office can explain any questions about a members paid up through date)

The Membership Office also stores payment history. For each payment, that information is:

  • Date of payment
  • Amount paid
  • Check number
  • Amount of check allocated as a life membership payment
  • Amount (if any) of payment that was a donation to the restoration fund
  • Amount (if any) of payment that was a donation to the general fund
  • The date your payment was entered into the database
  • The date the payment was deposited into our bank
  • Whether the payment came directly to the Membership Office, or sent to and deposited by the Restoration Fund Treasurer, or submitted online to the Company Store
  • Did the check later “Bounce”
  • If required, did the Membership Office yet send an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax letter to the member (US residents only)
  • Notes are kept regarding the IRS tax letter – examples “No tax letter needed as payment is for two years”, or “This check covered more than one member”
  • Was the payment for the wrong amount,
    • If so, did the Membership Office send an email notice asking for the correct payment
    • Or, did the Membership Office send a letter via the post office asking for the correct payment
    • Has that remainder of the amount due been paid
  • Notes are kept about the payment in general – example, “Changed regular to sustaining with this payment”, or if paid via the Company Store a unique transaction number is recorded to assist in balancing Membership Office and Company Store records

The Way the Membership Office Uses Your Information

The FEBT Membership Office uses your information to allow us to know who our active members are so that we may produce mailing labels for our publications. The only data sent to our mailing service is your member number, name, address, membership type, and paid up through date. Data stored by the Membership Office is also used to resolve any questions about a membership. From time to time portions of this information (Member number, name, address, type, status (active/inactive)) are sent to the Company Store so that the Store and Membership Office can confirm each has the same active members and the same addresses for them. From time to time the Membership Office supplies a list of active members to members of the FEBT Board of Directors, to the Restoration Fund Treasurer, to the FEBT Reunion Organizer, or to leaders of other FEBT tasks as ordered by the FEBT President.

The Membership Office does not give out any information to any individual or organization not mentioned above. The Membership Office never sells any information.

The FEBT Membership Office Commitment To Data Security:

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, the Membership Office information is kept off-line except that provided to the Company Store. All data is backed up any day that any change or update is done. Ten generations of back up are kept, not on the same computing device.

How You Can Access, Control, and Correct Your Information:

We respect your right to access, correct, request deletion or request restriction of our usage of your personal information as required by applicable law.

You can request your personally identifiable information by contacting us. Please identify the information required (see the above list). Every mailing you get from FEBT shows you your member number, name, address, membership type, and paid up through date. To update or correct the data we have simply send an email to or send a letter to;

Pete Clarke (FEBT)
10428 Carlyn Ridge Rd.
Damascus, MD. 20872-2157

If you wish to delete all personally identifiable information, send a request to us (as above). You will be notified when your information is deleted. Note that this would end your membership in FEBT. Please note that we may retain certain information, such as details of membership renewals, to provide the FEBT, the Store and its volunteers a defense against possible legal claims. If a deletion request is received in mid-membership year, no refund of un-used dues will be supplied. You can join again at a later date, but you would receive a new membership number and have no history, no connection to your former membership.

How To Contact Us:

Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please contact us. Email FEBT@AOL.COM, or send a letter to;

Pete Clarke (FEBT)
10428 Carlyn Ridge Rd.
Damascus, MD. 20872-2157

Last Updated: May 18, 2018