FEBT Restoration – Electrical/Brake Shop

The Electrical and Brake Shop building was one of the last buildings in the EBT shops complex to be constructed. Air brake and electric power did not come to the EBT until the 1910s and 1920s. This building served as the supply and repair station for air brake systems and electrical systems throughout the EBT’s system.
Seeing only limited use during the tourist era, the Electrical Shop has swung back and forth in its appearance. Being the closest building to public view, it most frequently received paint, but structural issues in the building were often deferred due to lack of funds. Most of the windows had been boarded over rather than being repaired.

Due to its prominent location, it was decided to use the restoration of the Electrical Shop as a test bed for a demonstration of the coming larger scale shops restoration. Work began on the shop during Memorial Day weekend 2003. The first task was to remove and replace rotted and deteriorated siding. Viewed as a relatively simple restoration when started, as more repairs were made, even more were found to be needed. Especially in the northwest corner, structural problems were found that required the building to be jacked up and sections of wall to be replaced. Substantial siding replacement was needed on the north side. All sixteen windows in the building were either repaired in place or removed for reconstruction. The entire building was pressure washed, primed and painted. Repairs were made to sections of the roof and all the doors were repaired or reconstructed as needed. Even the “Smoking Prohibited” signs were recreated and installed over the door.

Work on the building is generally complete. The work crew will be recreating a deck that stood outside the northeast door of the building and the roof will receive a fresh coat of sealant.