2023 Campaign

2023 Fundraiser Campaign Builds on 2022 Success

2023 Fund Campaign - 2023 Total
2023 Fund Campaign – 2023 Total

The total for our 2023 Campaign is $270,775.00 in 976 donations. Thank you so much for your support!

Once again, with your generous help, we have surpassed our fundraising target. Indeed, the 2022 campaign is ending with a total of over $245,000, far exceeding our $100,000 goal. This page updates you on what we have accomplished with your support, and explains our needs for the future.

For the 2023 restoration season, FEBT is launching several important projects across the East Broad Top Railroad. Our goal is to build on the momentum of the 2022 Restoration Fundraiser and to raise $180,000 through our 2023 Annual Campaign to:

Follow the link below to securely donate online to our FEBT Restoration Fund, and continue reading for more details on the 2023 projects.

Thank you for your support!


Click Here for More Info on Donating to FEBT

Video With More Information on the Campaign and Projects it Supports

Here are the latest updates on projects for which we are raising money.

Rebuilding of Track to Saltillo
Rebuilding of Track to Saltillo

The March to Saltillo Has Begun

Historical architect and FEBT member John Bowie has been working on plans for recreating the Saltillo station and water tank. The next step is a detailed mapping of the property lines, utility connections, and other aspects by a land surveyor, paid for from the funds we raised in 2022. (The biggest challenge has been to find a surveyor who can fit the job into his schedule!) Meanwhile, your FEBT board also voted an added $20,000 from the extra funds raised to buy an initial batch of ties for the track rehabilitation south from Rockhill. The installation work is already underway, shared by the EBT Foundation crew and the FEBT track crew.

Many more ties and a variety of professional assistance will be required to renew the track and bridges to reach Saltillo. We are asking you to contribute $75,000 towards the southward extension so we will be ready to support the EBT Foundation as these new opportunities and needs are identified. Click here to donate to our 2023 Campaign.

The Archives of the EBT
The Archives of the EBT


A portion of the additional money raised in 2022 was used to shift the entire support of the archive work over to the FEBT, allowing the Foundation to concentrate their fundraising efforts on capital projects. The first installment of photos and documents has gone on-line for public viewing this fall. (Visit https://ebtfoundation.org/archives/) The archive team has identified over a thousand maps, plans, and drawings, and hundreds of photos as candidates for possible future inclusion in the online gallery.

We are seeking to raise $70,000 to continue the archive work in 2023, with a mix of full-time technicians and knowledgeable FEBT volunteers. Click here to donate to our 2023 Campaign.

Rockhill Coal Tipple Shed Reconstruction
Rockhill Coal Tipple Shed Reconstruction


The installation of the water system for fire suppression is well-advanced, aided by an additional grant of $50,000 from the FEBT, again drawing on additional funds raised in our 2022 campaign. (The rebuilding of the retaining walls at the coaling tipple, for which we have already raised our share of the cost, has been delayed by the availability of the contractor.) The dumping shed at the coaling tipple is being recreated this fall. At other parts of the yard, multiple large, contractor-assisted projects like the carpenter shop, store house, machine shop, and car shop have been tackled one by one.

We need to raise $25,000 for the necessary supplies to complete the various lift-a-building projects through work by our volunteers on windows, painting, and roof refurbishment. Click here to donate to our 2023 Campaign.

Robertsdale Museum and Company Square
Robertsdale Museum and Company Square

Robertsdale Museum and Yard Improvement

The Robertsdale museum and yard improvement continued this year with substantial and badly-needed roof and HVAC repairs. These were accomplished sooner than expected, thanks again to the very generous donations in 2022.
Meanwhile, plans are being crafted for the paved tour path and wayside signage. We’re seeking $10,000 to initiate the installation of these additional enhancements. Click here to donate to our 2023 Campaign.

In all, we are seeking to raise $180,000 in new funds to pursue these goals. You may donate online (credit card and PayPal accepted) at febt.org/donate or at the FEBT Company Store, store.febt.org. If you prefer to send a check or money order payable to FEBT, address it to Karen Bulman, FEBT Fundraising Treasurer, P.O. Box 43063, Cincinnati Ohio 45243. FEBT is a designated 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.

The 2023 Annual Campaign started October 1, 2022 and runs until October 1, 2023. We look forward to acknowledging all donors in our e-newsletter!

Photos courtesy of Pete Clarke, Eric Knepp, Matthew Malkiewicz, and Gene Tucker.