Tours are available in different locations along the East Broad Top Railroad. Each has it own character, and covers different aspects of this historic railroad.
Robertsdale – Coal Country
Located 25 minutes southwest of Rockhill (where trains operate), this is the location heart of Broad Top Coal Mining Country and home of the FEBT Robertsdale Museum. During days the museum is open, tours of the historic East Broad Top Robertsdale railroad yard and coal mine area are given at 11 AM, 1 PM, and 3 PM. For details, visit the FEBT Robertsdale Museum page. These tours are provided by Friends of the East Broad Top. The tours are free, but donations are happily accepted! Handcar rides on over a mile of EBT mainline are also available.
Rockhill – Railroad Hub
Located 25 minutes northeast of Robertsdale, Rockhill is the operating heart of the East Broad Top Railroad and where trains currently depart. The East Broad Top Foundation offers Immersive Guided Tours of the historic Rockhill railroad yards, maintenance shops and roundhouse. The tours pass throughout one of the most original and complete historic railroad sites on the continent. For more information and to purchase tickets online, visit the East Broad Top’s Immersive Guided Tours page.