Timber Transfer Cover: Vol. 27, No. 04 (Winter 2015)

Timber Transfer Magazine

Volume 27, Number 04
Winter 2015


• From the Editor's Desk by Jane Clarke,  Pg. 3

• 2016 Rockhill Work Schedule by Matthew Malkiewicz,  Pg. 3

• Hope for the Unexpected by R. Lee Rainey,  Pg. 4

• The Mount Union Ashpit by William Adams,  Pg. 8

• The Jordan Summit Bridge by Thomas A. Diehl,  Pg. 10

• Ring of Fire by Ronald L. Pearson,  Pg. 14

• Smokeless! Coal Cleaning Along the East Broad Top, Part VII. Wood Scale House, Garage, Concrete Block Shed, Brick Office and Shop Annex, Corrugated Iron Warehouse, and Tool Sheds by Ronald L. Pearson,  Pg. 16