Timber Transfer Cover: Vol. 18, No. 3 (Winter 2002)

Timber Transfer Magazine

Volume 18, Number 3
Winter 2002


• East Broad Top Puzzles,  Pg. 10

• Vintage Freight, Modern Times - Recreating the common carrier era by James Gunning & Eric Ledbetter,  Pg. 12

• Robertsdale Work Update - 2001 restoration season brings progress by Henry F. Inman,  Pg. 15

• EBT's Mystery Bridge, The - old photo is not what it seems by Vagel C. Keller,  Pg. 16

• Changes to "The Reluctant Railroad": by Vagel C. Keller,  Pg. 22

• Riding the Rails - A second look at the Tuscarora Valley Railroad by Frank Kyper,  Pg. 24

• Broad Top 101 by Shawn E. Staufer,  Pg. 25